Acupuncture is among the oldest healing practices in the world, and is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This practice involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points along the meridians in the body to restore and balance the body’s qi, or life energy. Any obstruction of this energy flow can result in pain, inflammation, disease, and imbalance.

Acupuncture is an ideal complement to your chiropractic adjustment to aid in the following:

  • Decrease inflammation
  • Decrease pain or spasm
  • Increase lymphatic drainage and blood flow
  • Promote relaxation

Dr. Megan is certified to perform acupuncture services in the state of Minnesota.  Acupuncture is a service we only provide to patients that already under our care or the care of another chiropractor.   Conditions we commonly treat include neck and back pain, tennis elbow, migraine, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, arthritis pain, headaches, and any chronic pain condition.


You’ll be in a quiet, private room with relaxing music on a comfortable massage therapy bed.  The process takes about 30-45 minutes, most of which you’ll spend alone relaxing. You may choose to have heat packs placed on your back and feet.

We use sterile, prepackaged needles and adhere to all safety standards. The process is very safe. The needles are very thin (about the size of a strand of hair). You may feel a gentle prick when they are placed, then you won’t feel them anymore. It’s not painful at all and many people fall asleep during their appointment. Our patients report feeling a wave of relaxation on the table.